FAssets Reference
Deployed Contracts
- Flare Mainnet
- Flare Testnet Coston2
- Songbird Canary-Network
- Songbird Testnet Coston
Contract | Address | Description |
AgentOwnerRegistry | - | - |
FXRP | - | - |
USDX | - | - |
Contract | Address | Description |
AgentOwnerRegistry | - | - |
FXRP | - | - |
USDX | - | - |
Contract | Address | Description |
AgentOwnerRegistry | 0xa7f5d3C81f55f2b072FB62a0D4A03317BFd1a3c0 | Manages agent whitelisting and allows setting and retrieving details such as work and management addresses, name, description, and icon. |
AssetManager_XRP | 0x299d678f67e7ADD4efdf295Ebe0E92FCb4f75C4c | Smart ontract that can mint and burn FXRP while managing collateral and backing funds. |
FXRP | 0xF9a84f4ec903F4EaB117A9c1098BeC078BA7027d | The FAsset-wrapped XRP token, ready for use on Songbird. |
AssetManager_FDOGE | 0x866077dC52445167dC971643c1b2910608eD0C5A | Smart ontract that can mint and burn FDOGE while managing collateral and backing funds. |
FDOGE | 0xaa25ee3B68c515e69A463876Ab262bc4e8339030 | The FAsset-wrapped DOGE token, ready for use on Songbird. |
USDX | 0x4A771Cc1a39FDd8AA08B8EA51F7Fd412e73B3d2B | ERC-20 token used by FAssets as vault collateral. |
Contract | Address | Description |
AgentOwnerRegistry | - | - |
FXRP | - | - |
USDX | - | - |
FAssets IAssetManager interface reference.
Agent Bot CLI Reference
FAssets Agent Bot command line interface reference.
User Bot CLI Reference
FAssets User Bot command line interface reference.