FAssets collateral is locked in contracts that ensure the minted FAssets can always be redeemed for the underlying assets they represent or compensated by collateral. Along with Flare's native token, FLR, any governance approved ERC-20 token on the Flare blockchain can be used as collateral.
FAssets collateral ensures the security and redemption of minted FAssets by locking collateral in smart contracts. This guarantees that FAssets can either be redeemed for their underlying assets or compensated by collateral. Collateral can include Flare's native token (FLR) and any governance-approved ERC-20 tokens on the Flare blockchain.
Collateral Types
Two primary types of collateral secure FAssets: Vault Collateral and Pool Collateral.
Vault collateral is provided exclusively by agents and ensures they perform their duties. Pool collateral is provided by agents and FLR holders who choose to contribute to the pool. It is a safeguard when a sudden drop in the price of the vault collateral makes it insufficient to back the underlying assets.
Vault Collateral
Vault collateral consists of the types of collateral chosen by agents to store in their vault. Flare governance approves the valid types, which are generally stablecoins, such as USDC, USDT, or other highly liquid tokens on the Flare network.
Agents choose one of the types defined by FAssets governance and use it as collateral in their vaults. Agents cannot switch to a different type after a vault is created, but they can create any number of vaults, with different types.
Each collateral type defines an ERC-20 token to use as collateral, a series of collateral ratios, and information to retrieve the asset's price from the FTSO system. Governance reserves the right to add new types or deprecate existing types. If governance deprecates a type, agents must switch to a supported type.
Each vault is associated with a single, unique address on the underlying chain called the agent's underlying address. It receives underlying assets when they are minted into FAssets and sends underlying assets to the redeemer's address when they are redeemed.
When an agent creates a vault, the underlying address is checked for validity using the Data Connector. Otherwise, malicious agents could provide an address that systematically blocks payments and exploit the minting process to their advantage.
Pool Collateral
When the price of the vault collateral changes in such a way that the vault collateral cannot fully back all the minted FAssets, a liquidation mechanism ensures enough FAssets are burned to restore balance. The pool collateral provides an additional source of backing for situations when the price fluctuates too rapidly for liquidations to correct the imbalance.
Pool collateral is always native FLR tokens or SGB tokens on the Songbird network and can be used as an additional source of collateral for liquidations and failed redemptions.
Anyone can participate in the FAssets system by providing native tokens to this pool. In return, providers receive collateral pool tokens (CPTs) as proof of the share of native tokens they provided to a specific pool from a specific agent. CPTs are ERC-20 tokens specific to both an agent and a pool.
Providers can redeem their CPTs for FLR, or even transfer or trade them, after a governance-defined time period has elapsed since they entered the pool. This time lock is necessary to reduce sandwiching attacks.
Additionally, CPT holders are entitled to a share of any fee the agent earns from minting FAssets using this pool as explained in the next section.
CPT conversion formulae and examples.
The amount of collateral pool tokens a provider receives upon entering a pool is calculated as: