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Flare has four networks, each serving different purposes, so choosing the right one is crucial. All of these networks operate on a permissionless basis and are EVM compatible:

  • Flare Mainnet. The production network where all the action happens. Transactions cost real money here.

  • Flare Testnet Coston2. Test your applications without spending real money. This should be your first choice when developing applications.

  • Songbird Canary-Network. Experimental proving ground for Flare.

  • Songbird Testnet Coston. The testnet for Songbird Canary-Network.

The most common development tracks are:

  • Flare Testnet Coston2 → Flare Mainnet: Recommended track for application developers.

  • Songbird Testnet Coston → Songbird Canary-Network → Flare Testnet Coston2 → Flare Mainnet: Required track for all protocol level changes.


Configuration for all Flare networks, along with public and private RPCs, blockchain explorers, and faucets.

Network nameFlare Mainnet
RPCs (WSS)wss://
Chain ID14
Currency symbolFLR
Currency decimals18
Blockchain Explorers
Bootstrapping nodes
RPC Connection code snippet
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'

Community tools

Developer tools for Flare built by the community including RPCs, bridges, indexers, account abstraction, wallet SDKs, and more.

RPCsQuickNode, Ankr, Thirdweb, ChainList
BridgingLayerZero V2, Stargate V2 (OFTs), zkBridge
IndexersGoldsky, SubQuery, sqd
OAuth LoginWeb3Auth
Account AbstractionEtherspot Prime SDK
Wallet SDKWagmi, RainbowKit
Full-stack Dev InfraTenderly

Supported wallets

Several desktop, browser and mobile app based wallets support Flare. Discover suitable options for your needs on the Flare Wallets page.

Transaction format

  • Address space: Matches Ethereum, 20-byte addresses using ECDSA.

  • Transaction format: Matches Ethereum, complies with EIP-2718, encoded with RLP.

  • Transaction fees:

    • Type0 (Legacy) - Fee is calculated as gasUsed * gasPrice.

    • Type2 (EIP-1559) - Fee is calculated as (baseFee + priorityFee) * gas. Both the base and priority fees are burned.

Smart contracts

Block verification


  • Sybil resistance mechanism: Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

  • Delegation: In-protocol

  • Block time: ≈1.8 seconds

  • Finality: Single-slot. Once a block is validated through the gossip protocol, it is finalized.

  • Transaction ordering: Leaders' discretion, default behaviour is priority gas auction.

  • Consensus mechanism: Snowman++ (from Avalanche) offers a high-throughput, totally ordered consensus mechanism alongside a leader protocol to minimize MEV.

  • Consensus participants: Validators vote on block proposals and serve as leaders. To serve as a validator, a node must meet a governance defined minimum self-bond. Validators are randomly selected as leaders to propose new blocks. The probability of being elected leader is proportional to the validator's stake.

  • Enshrined protocols: In addition to consensus, Flare validators are also data providers for FTSO and attestation providers for FDC.

  • Stake distribution: Network comprises over 90 validators with a median stake of ≈0.7% and a maximum stake of ≈3.3%. This includes both self-bonded and delegated stakes.

Adding Flare's native token FLR to your exchange

Flare is just like Ethereum. To add it to your exchange:

Additional info: Media & Branding, Flare source code