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FDC Overview

The Flare Data Connector (FDC) is an enshrined oracle designed to validate external data for Flare's EVM state. It allows users to submit attested data that smart contracts can trust, eliminating the need for direct reliance on users for data integrity.

Key Features

  • Network-Level Security: Data attestation requires reaching a 50%+ signature weight from data providers, ensuring decentralized consensus.
  • Efficient On-chain Storage: Verified data is stored in a Merkle tree, with only the Merkle root stored on-chain to minimize costs.
  • Easy Off-chain Accessibility: Data providers serve attestation responses and Merkle proofs off-chain through a Data Availability (DA) Layer, ensuring efficient data retrieval.
  • Proof-Based Verification: Smart contracts validate Merkle proofs against the stored Merkle root, ensuring only authentic data triggers contract actions.
  • Extensible Attestation Types: New attestation types and data sources can be added through provider consensus, ensuring adaptability.


FDC Architecture DiagramFDC Architecture Diagram
  1. Data Verification: The FDC verifies user-submitted attestation requests.
  2. Merkle Representation: Verified responses are organized into a Merkle tree, with only the Merkle root stored on-chain.
  3. Attestation Usage: Users retrieve attestation responses and Merkle proofs from data providers and submit them to smart contracts.
Interested in learning more?

For a detailed explanation of the FDC mechanism, read the FDC whitepaper.

Data Availability Layer

The Data Availability Layer (DA Layer) provides API endpoints for querying off-chain attestation data. Accessing this data is trustless, as users can independently compute and compare Merkle roots against the on-chain version.

Operating a DA Layer is permissionless—anyone can run a DA Layer service by sourcing data from an FTSOv2 data provider and FDC attestation provider.

DA Layer DiagramDA Layer Diagram

Attestation Types

FDC currently supports seven attestation types, each serving specific verification needs. Below is an overview of these types, with detailed explanations available in their respective sections:

  • AddressValidity: Validates the format and checksum of addresses on specified chains.
  • EVMTransaction: Verifies and retrieves transaction details from EVM-compatible chains (ETH, FLR, SGB).
  • JsonApi: Fetches and processes any Web2 data using a JQ transformation, then returns it as ABI-encoded output. (Currently only on Coston & Coston2).
  • Payment: Confirms and fetches payment transaction details from non-EVM chains (BTC, DOGE, XRP).
  • ConfirmedBlockHeightExists: Verifies block existence and confirmation status.
  • BalanceDecreasingTransaction: Validates if a transaction reduces an address's balance.
  • ReferencedPaymentNonexistence: Confirms the absence of specific payments within time intervals.

The first three attestation types are the most generally useful, while the last three are primarily used in FAssets.

Workflow Overview

For all attestation types, the workflow follows the same general steps. Due to the waiting period between steps 2 and 3, where the round is finalized, the process is split into multiple sections.

General Workflow

  1. Request Submission: Users submit attestation requests to the FdcHub smart contract.
  2. Batch Processing: Data providers group requests based on emission timestamps.
  3. Data Retrieval: Providers fetch and format responses, creating a Merkle tree of hashed responses.
  4. Consensus Storage: Once signatures representing 50%+ weight are collected, the Merkle root is submitted to the Relay contract.
  5. Proof Retrieval: Users fetch attestation responses and proofs from the DA Layer.
  6. Verification and Action: Smart contracts verify proofs and use the attested data if valid.

User Workflow

User Workflow DiagramUser Workflow Diagram
  1. Identify Data Needs: Determine the required attestation type and data source.
  2. Prepare Request: Format the request with the expected response hash (MIC).
  3. Submit Request: Use requestAttestation from FdcHub and pay the required fee.
  4. Track Submission: Record the block timestamp and calculate the voting round.
  5. Wait for Finalization: The voting round concludes, and a relay contract event signals finalization.
  6. Fetch Data: Retrieve responses and proofs from the DA Layer.
  7. Submit to Smart Contract: Provide responses and proofs for verification.

Smart Contract Workflow

  1. Define Triggers: Establish data-driven triggers.
  2. Receive Data: Accept attestation responses and proofs from users.
  3. Verify Proofs: Use the FdcVerification contract to validate the response against the Merkle root.
  4. Act on Data: Utilize the verified data for computation or decision-making.

Data Provider Workflow

  1. Collect Requests: Group requests by emission timestamps.
  2. Retrieve Data: Fetch responses from verifier servers.
  3. Validate Responses: Ensure data validity using MIC and LUT checks.
  4. Submit BitVectors: Indicate valid requests using BitVectors during the "choose phase" (90-135 seconds into the round).
  5. Achieve Consensus: Aggregate BitVectors to form a consensus BitVector.
  6. Create Merkle Tree: Construct a Merkle tree from validated responses.
  7. Sign and Submit: Collect signatures representing 50%+ weight and submit the Merkle root to the Relay contract.
  8. Serve Data: Provide attestation responses and proofs via the DA Layer.

The Flare Data Connector (FDC) is a critical infrastructure component for the Flare ecosystem, enabling smart contracts to access secure, attested external data while maintaining trustless verification through Merkle proofs. By integrating the FDC, developers can create more reliable, decentralized applications across multiple blockchains.