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Why am I getting invalid opcode: opcode 0x5f not defined?

Flare supports EVM versions up to London, which does not support the PUSH0 opcode, leading to this error. To fix this:

  • Using Remix: Set EVM version to london in the Advanced Configurations section of the Solidity Compiler tab:

  • Using Hardhat or Foundry: Set EVM version to london in hardhat.config.ts or foundry.toml.

  • Using Standard Solidity JSON: Set evmVersion to london:

    "settings": {
    "optimizer": {
    /* ... */
    "evmVersion": "london"
  • Using solc CLI: Set --evm-version to london:

    solc --evm-version london <args>

Where can I get Flare testnet tokens?

You can get:

To understand the difference between Coston and Coston2, see the Network Configuration page.

I have a project I would like to build on Flare. Can I get a grant?

Yes! Grants from the Flare Foundation are designed to support innovative and impactful projects in order to accelerate the growth of the Flare ecosystem. Whether you're an independent innovator or part of a larger team, if you believe that you can make valuable contributions to the Flare ecosystem, we'd like to hear from you.

Learn more about Grants.

Where can I get technical support?

Connect with the rapidly growing community of developers building on Flare.

  • Engage with Flare's developer community on Telegram.

  • Contribute to Flare's open-source codebase on GitHub.

  • Join the community on Discord.

Where can I learn about Flare-specific terminology?

Learn more about the terminology used in the Flare ecosystem on the Terminology page.