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Agent Bot CLI Reference

Command line reference for managing and interacting with FAssets agent bots.

Sourced from agent-bot.ts on GitHub.


Before running agent-bot, ensure it is properly set up using the FAsset agent deploy with Docker and then learn how to execute the command line commands.


To run the agent-bot command line interface, use the yarn agent-bot command with the desired command and arguments and add the --fasset flag with the FAsset symbol.

yarn agent-bot [command] <args> --fasset [fAssetSymbol]

To list all available commands:

yarn agent-bot help

To execute a specific command using the Docker container change yarn agent-bot with docker compose --profile cli run agent-bot:

docker compose --profile cli run agent-bot [command] <args> --fasset [fAssetSymbol]

Owner and Agent Management

Validate Owner

Validate the setup of an agent owner for the FAsset by checking address whitelisting, proper registrations, and sufficient balances on management, work, and test asset addresses. It confirms that all configurations and balances meet the requirements for the agent owner.

yarn agent-bot validateOwner


Create a new agent vault. Use --prepare to generate a settings template, or pass the settings as a file path argument.

yarn agent-bot create [agentSettingsPath]

List Agents

List your active FAsset agents active agents from the persistent state.

yarn agent-bot listAgents

Get Info

Output your FAsset agent information by specifying the agent vault address. Use --raw to get direct output.

yarn agent-bot info <agentVaultAddress>

Collateral Management

Deposit Collaterals

Deposit enough vault and pool collateral for minting by specifying the FAsset agent vault address and amount of lots.

yarn agent-bot depositCollaterals <agentVaultAddress> <lots>

Deposit Vault Collateral

Deposit vault collateral for minting by specifying the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot depositVaultCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Add Pool Collateral

Add pool collateral and get the FAsset agent's pool tokens by specifying the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot buyPoolCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Withdraw Vault Collateral

Start vault collateral withdrawal. Automatically executed by the running bot later. Specify the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot withdrawVaultCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Cancel Vault Collateral Withdrawal

Cancel vault collateral withdrawal. Specify the FAsset agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot cancelVaultCollateralWithdrawal <agentVaultAddress>

Redeem Collateral Pool Tokens

Start pool tokens redemption process. Automatically executed by the running bot later. Specify the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot redeemCollateralPoolTokens <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Cancel Collateral Pool Token Redemption

Cancel collateral pool token redemption. Specify the FAsset agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot cancelCollateralPoolTokenRedemption <agentVaultAddress>

Withdraw Vault Collateral

Start vault collateral withdrawal. Automatically executed by the running bot later. Specify the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot withdrawVaultCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Pool Fees Balance

Get pool fees balance of the FAssets agent by specifying the agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot poolFeesBalance <agentVaultAddress>

Top Up Underlying

Sends additional underlying assets to the FAssets agent, increasing the assets backing their minted FAssets. Specify the FAsset agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot topUpUnderlying <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Withdraw Underlying

Withdrawing underlying assets in the FAssets system allows agents to reclaim original assets stored on their underlying address, provided they no longer back any FAssets. The process includes announcing the withdrawal, paying a fee, and obtaining a transaction hash while ensuring no risk to redeemers or collateral providers. Agents must comply with system rules, such as avoiding illegal payments or liquidations, to perform the withdrawal successfully. Specify the FAsset agent vault address, amount, and destination address.

yarn agent-bot withdrawUnderlying <agentVaultAddress> <amount> <destinationAddress>

Cancel Underlying Withdrawal

Cancel underlying withdrawal announcement by specifying the FAsset agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot cancelUnderlyingWithdrawal <agentVaultAddress>

Delegate Pool Collateral

Collateral providers or agents can delegate native pool collateral to the Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO) by specifying the agent vault address, recipient, and share (ranging from 0 to 1, where 1 represents 100%). This enables the locked collateral to earn rewards while maintaining system security and liquidity. This feature enhances incentives by providing passive income without affecting the collateral's ability to back FAssets.

yarn agent-bot delegatePoolCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <recipient> <share>

Undelegate Pool Collateral

Remove pool collateral delegation by specifying the FAsset agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot undelegatePoolCollateral <agentVaultAddress>

Create Underlying Account

Create an underlying account for the FAssets agent.

yarn agent-bot createUnderlyingAccount

Free Vault Collateral

Free vault collateral that is not currently locked to back FAssets by specifying the FAsset agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot freeVaultCollateral <agentVaultAddress>

Free Pool Collateral

Free pool collateral by specifying the agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot freePoolCollateral <agentVaultAddress>

Free Underlying Balance

Release the underlying balance assets on an agent's address that are not currently locked to back FAssets. Specify the FAssets agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot freeUnderlyingBalance <agentVaultAddress>

Switch Vault Collateral

Switch the vault collateral by specifying the agent vault address and the new token, using --deposit to auto-deposit equivalent tokens.

yarn agent-bot switchVaultCollateral <agentVaultAddress> <token>

Self Mint FAsset

Mint FAssets using the agent vault without requiring the agent to be publicly available by specifying the agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot selfMintFAsset <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Self Mint From Underlying

Mint FAssets directly using newly deposited underlying assets by specifying the agent vault address and amount, without requiring the agent to be publicly available.

yarn agent-bot selfMintFromUnderlying <agentVaultAddress> <numberOfLots>

Status Management

Enter Available

Enter the available FAssets agent list by specifying the FAsset agent vault address to register the agent vault and collateral pool, making them publicly accessible for minting by other users.

yarn agent-bot enter <agentVaultAddress>

Exit Available

Exit the available agent list to automatically remove the agent vault and collateral pool from public availability, preventing users (minters) from selecting the agent to mint new FAssets. Specify the agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot exit <agentVaultAddress>

Execute Exit Available

Manually execute the exit from the available agent list that was previously announced, as this is typically unnecessary since the running bot can handle it automatically.

yarn agent-bot executeExit <agentVaultAddress>

Self Close

Self-close means reducing the FAsset agent's obligations by burning FAssets and releasing the equivalent amount of underlying assets and/or collateral back to themselves by specifying the agent vault address and amount.

yarn agent-bot selfClose <agentVaultAddress> <amount>

Close Agent Vault

Shut down the FAsset agent vault, ending all operations related to minting and backing FAssets by specifying the agent vault address. The closing will be executed automatically later.

yarn agent-bot close <agentVaultAddress>

Agent Settings Management

Get Agent Settings

Retrieve the configuration parameters by specifying the agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot getAgentSettings <agentVaultAddress>

Update Agent Setting

Modify specific operational parameters for the agent vault by specifying the agent vault address, name, and value.

yarn agent-bot updateAgentSetting <agentVaultAddress> <name> <value>

Account Management

Upgrade WNat

Upgrade the Wrapped Native Token (WNat) contract used in the FAsset agent collateral pool by specifying the agent vault address.

yarn agent-bot upgradeWnat <agentVaultAddress>

Export Private Keys

Export the private keys for the FAssets agent underlying address by specifying the export file.

yarn agent-bot exportPrivateKeys <exportFile>