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An attestation request that fetches data from the given url and then edits the information with a jq transformation.

Supported sources

  • WEB2
  • test networks: testWEB2


FieldSolidity typeDescription
urlstringURL of the data source.
postprocessJqstringJQ filter to postprocess the json received from the url.
abi_signaturestringABI signature of struct for encoding.


FieldSolidity typeDescription
abi_encoded_databytesABI encoded data.

Lowest Used Timestamp

For lowestUsedTimestamp, 0xffffffffffffffff (26412^{64}-1 in hex) is used.

Verification process

Query the URL with GET method. If the query is unsuccessful or does not return a json, reject the request.

Apply the jq filter specified in the request to the received json.

ABI encode the filtered json with the abi_signature provided in the request and return it as abi_encoded_data.

LowestUsedTimestamp is unlimited.