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Interface for updating block-latency feeds.

Sourced from IFastUpdater.sol on GitHub.



Informational getter concerning the eligibility criterion for being chosen by sortition in a given block.

function blockScoreCutoff(
uint256 _blockNum
) external view returns (
uint256 _cutoff


  • _blockNum: The block for which the cutoff is requested.


  • _cutoff: The upper endpoint of the acceptable range of "scores" that providers generate for sortition. A score below the cutoff indicates eligibility to submit updates in the present sortition round.


Id of the current reward epoch.

function currentRewardEpochId(
) external view returns (


Informational getter concerning the eligibility criterion for being chosen by sortition.

function currentScoreCutoff(
) external view returns (
uint256 _cutoff


  • _cutoff: The upper endpoint of the acceptable range of "scores" that providers generate for sortition. A score below the cutoff indicates eligibility to submit updates in the present sortition round.


Informational getter concerning a provider's likelihood of being chosen by sortition.

function currentSortitionWeight(
address _signingPolicyAddress
) external view returns (
uint256 _weight


  • _signingPolicyAddress: The signing policy address of the specified provider. This is different from the sender of an update transaction, due to the signature included in the FastUpdates type.


  • _weight: The specified provider's weight for sortition purposes. This is derived from the provider's delegation weight for the FTSO, but rescaled against a fixed number of "virtual providers", indicating how many potential updates a single provider may make in a sortition round.


Public access to the stored data of all feeds.

function fetchAllCurrentFeeds(
) external view returns (
bytes21[] _feedIds,
uint256[] _feeds,
int8[] _decimals,
uint64 _timestamp


  • _feedIds: The list of feed ids.
  • _feeds: The list of feeds.
  • _decimals: The list of decimal places for feeds.
  • _timestamp: The timestamp of the last update.


Public access to the stored data of each feed, allowing controlled batch access to the lengthy complete data. Feeds should be sorted for better performance.

function fetchCurrentFeeds(
uint256[] _indices
) external view returns (
uint256[] _feeds,
int8[] _decimals,
uint64 _timestamp


  • _indices: Index numbers of the feeds for which data should be returned, corresponding to feedIds in the FastUpdatesConfiguration contract.


  • _feeds: The list of data for the requested feeds, in the same order as the feed indices were given (which may not be their sorted order).
  • _decimals: The list of decimal places for the requested feeds, in the same order as the feed indices were given (which may not be their sorted order).
  • _timestamp: The timestamp of the last update.


The number of updates submitted in each block for the last _historySize blocks (up to MAX_BLOCKS_HISTORY).

function numberOfUpdates(
uint256 _historySize
) external view returns (
uint256[] _noOfUpdates


  • _historySize: The number of blocks for which the number of updates should be returned.


  • _noOfUpdates: The number of updates submitted in each block for the last _historySize blocks. The array is ordered from the current block to the oldest block.


The number of updates submitted in a block - available only for the last MAX_BLOCKS_HISTORY blocks.

function numberOfUpdatesInBlock(
uint256 _blockNumber
) external view returns (
uint256 _noOfUpdates


  • _blockNumber: The block number for which the number of updates should be returned.


  • _noOfUpdates: The number of updates submitted in the specified block.


The submission window is a number of blocks forming a "grace period" after a round of sortition starts, during which providers may submit updates for that round. In other words, each block starts a new round of sortition and that round lasts submissionWindow blocks.

function submissionWindow(
) external view returns (


The entry point for providers to submit an update transaction.

function submitUpdates(
struct IFastUpdater.FastUpdates _updates
) external;


  • _updates: Data of an update transaction, which in addition to the actual list of updates, includes the sortition credential proving the provider's eligibility to make updates in the also-included sortition round, as well as a signature allowing a single registered provider to submit from multiple EVM accounts.



Event emitted when a feed is removed.

event FastUpdateFeedRemoved(
uint256 index


Event emitted when a feed is added or reset.

event FastUpdateFeedReset(
uint256 votingRoundId,
uint256 index,
bytes21 id,
uint256 value,
int8 decimals


Event emitted at the start of a new voting epoch - current feeds' values and decimals.

event FastUpdateFeeds(
uint256 votingEpochId,
uint256[] feeds,
int8[] decimals


Event emitted when a new set of updates is submitted.

event FastUpdateFeedsSubmitted(
uint32 votingRoundId,
address signingPolicyAddress



Fast update structure

struct FastUpdates {
uint256 sortitionBlock;
struct SortitionCredential sortitionCredential;
bytes deltas;
struct IFastUpdater.Signature signature;


Signature structure

struct Signature {
uint8 v;
bytes32 r;
bytes32 s;