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Deploy an FAssets Agent

The FAssets system by Flare enables non-smart contract tokens like BTC and XRP to interact trustlessly with smart contracts on the Flare network, unlocking their use in DeFi applications. It achieves this through collateralized minting, utilizing Flare Data Connector (FDC) and Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO) for secure cross-chain functionality.

Agents in the FAssets system facilitate the minting and redemption of FAssets by providing over-collateralized assets and managing transactions securely. A liquidator in the FAssets system monitors agent's collateralization levels to ensure the system's security and trustlessness.

In this guide, you will learn the preferred methods for setting up and managing the FAssets agents using the frontend interface and running the liquidator bot.



The server should have a minimum of 2 CPUs and 4 GB of RAM and be built on AMD64 architecture running a Linux operating system. It also requires at least 40 GB of disk space to accommodate the FAssets agent and its dependencies

Recommended Providers: Linode, DigitalOcean, AWS, GCP.


Ensure you have installed Docker version 25.0.4 or higher and Docker Compose version v2.24.7 or higher. Setting up and running the FAssets agent is accomplished by using Docker containers, so knowledge of Docker is essential. Using Docker eliminates the need to manage tool versions and their compatibilities.


To participate, ensure you meet the following minimum deposit requirements:

  • Songbird Tokens (SGB): Deposit a minimum of 1,000 SGB into the owner.native.address specified in the secrets.json file.

  • USDX Tokens: Agents must deposit a USDX as vault collateral tokens into the owner.native.address.

  • XRP Tokens: For XRP agents, you need to deposit 500 XRP Ledger native tokens (XRP) into the owner.XRP.address.

  • Bitcoin (BTC): Bitcoin agents should hold at least 0.005 BTC to cover potential high transaction fees in the owner.BTC.address.

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Doge agents should maintain a minimum balance of 100 DOGE to cover potential high transaction fees in the owner.DOGE.address.

Additionally, please ensure there is sufficient collateral for vault and pool requirements at the owner.native.address.

Contract Addresses

See the FAssets Reference for important FAssets smart contract addresses representing tokens and notable system components, provided for your convenience during the Open Beta on the Songbird network.

Setting Up

Follow these steps to set up the FAssets agent using Docker:

  1. Clone the repository in your Linux server:

    git clone
    cd fasset-bots-deploy
  2. Set up the environment file:

    cp .env.template .env
  3. Set up the configuration file:

  4. Login into GitHub Container Registry:

    docker login
  5. Get the latest docker containers from the registry:

    docker compose pull

Setting Environment Variables

To begin using the FAssets Docker infrastructure, you must configure the settings in the .env environment file.

  • Make sure to set the machine address in the .env file using the MACHINE_ADDRESS variable.
  • Set the database password FASSET_DB_PASSWORD.

Once the database is created, the password will not change if you modify it in the .env file.

Optional Settings

You can configure several optional settings in the .env environment file.

Setting up Secret Keys

The FAsset agents require multiple keys for the Flare and underlying network chains, which must be generated to make the agent operational.

  1. Create a new management wallet or use an existing one, preferably a cold wallet, as the management address for your agent.

  2. Generate the secrets using this command by replacing the MANAGEMENT_WALLET_ADDRESS with your management wallet address:

  3. Copy the to secrets.json:

    cp secrets.json
  4. Allow the user to read and write secrets.json:

    chmod 600 secrets.json
  5. Set file ownership to user ID 1000, the default Linux user ID, for proper permissions:

    sudo chown 1000:1000 secrets.json
  6. Make a backup of the secrets.json file and store it securely.

Setting the File Permissions

Set the file permissions for the log directory:

sudo chown 1000:1000 log -R

Whitelist the Management Address


Given our current insurance mechanisms to protect users, Flare Labs will not add any more agents to the FAssets protocol on Songbird. As covered in this blog, Flare Labs will cover losses up to $100,000 per asset, for a total coverage of $300,000. We appreciate the interest received and look forward to onboarding agents once we have launched FAssets on Flare mainnet.

To access the FAssets system, you must be whitelisted for security reasons.

  1. Use the FlareFAssetsSongbirdBot Telegram channel, specifically designed for registration, and provide the necessary information.
  2. Enter the information and confirm, and the Telegram bot will inform you about the successful process.
  3. You need to wait for the Flare team to approve registrations.
  4. If the information you entered is correct, the Telegram Bot will notify you that you have been whitelisted for the FAssets Songbird.

Check Whitelist Status

Checking if your agent's management address has been whitelisted is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate with the block explorer to the AgentOwnerRegistry contract and open the Read Contract tab.
  2. Connect your wallet with any address to the block explorer so you can gain access to read functions from the smart contract.
  3. Execute the isWhitelisted function with the value of the management address. This function returns bool: true for whitelisted or false for not whitelisted.

Set the Work Address

After you have completed with the whitelisting process, you need to set the work address for your agent. Configuring the native address links your agent's work address to the management address and grants access.

  1. Navigate with the block explorer to the AgentOwnerRegistry contract and open the Write Contract tab.
  2. Connect the management address wallet you used to generate the access keys above.
  3. Register the work address by executing the setWorkAddress function with the value of owner.native.address from the secrets.json file.

Configure the RPCs

In order to connect to various blockchains, you need to configure the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) configurations.

You can obtain the xrp_rpc for the XRP Ledger, btc_rpc for Bitcoin, and doge_rpc for Dogecoin from the Flare team, configured in the secrets.json file under the apiKey key.

Configure the Server

To access the FAssets admin interface, configure the server to route requests to both the frontend and backend. Allow requests on the default port of 4000 for the backend and 3000 for the frontend.


When configuring the server for FAssets, ensure all security measures are implemented to safeguard your system. Exposing the FAssets backend can lead to severe vulnerabilities.

  • Never expose the FAssets agent interface (/fasset-backend) to the public network.
  • As a rule of thumb, restrict access to the backend only within the local network.
  • Use firewalls and IP-based access controls to allow requests only from trusted IP addresses.
  • Consider enabling IP whitelisting for specific addresses to restrict access.

Start the FAssets Agent

Start the FAssets agent using the Docker infrastructure by running the following command:

docker compose up -d

Execute FAsset Bot Commands

To run commands for the FAsset bot, please use the cli profile.

Use the specific Docker container:

  • the agent-bot for the FAsset agent bot;
  • the user-bot for the FAsset user bot.

Execute Agent Bot Commands

To execute agent bot commands, use the cli profile with the agent-bot Docker container. For example, to get the FAssets system running agents, use this command:

docker compose --profile cli run agent-bot listAgents --fasset FASSET

Full reference for the agent bot commands can be found in the Agent Bot CLI Reference.

Execute User Bot Commands

To execute user bot commands, use the cli profile and the user-bot Docker container. For example, to retrieve FAsset system info, use this command:

docker compose --profile cli run user-bot info --fasset FASSET

Update the FAssets Agent

To restart and update the FAssets agent, execute the following commands, replacing FASSET with the name of the FAsset (FXRP, FDOGE, or FBTC):

docker compose down
git pull
docker compose pull
docker compose --profile cli run agent-bot listAgents --fasset FASSET
docker compose up -d

Access the Agent Frontend

You can access the FAssets agent frontend user interface by navigating to the FRONTEND_URL in your browser. You will be prompted to enter the password set in the .env file.

Refer to the Create FAssets Agent via UI guide for more information on the user interface.

What's next

If you need to refresh your knowledge about FAssets, you can explore the various components and processes involved, such as collateral, minting, redemptions, and liquidations.

Additionally, if you have questions while setting up your FAssets agent, be sure to check out the FAQ page for answers and guidance.